Monday 28 March 2011


I know my posts have been mostly about me.

But there comes a time when you have to blog about your little sister.

Especially when she is 3 years younger than you are and she's getting married.

My mother gave me the news on Saturday.

It was all I could do to keep my smile long and real enough until my face hit my pillow and I let the tears fall.

I knew she was in a relationship...I just never knew how serious.

I know her boyfriend...I just never knew he'd be a husband.

Now he has a new title "fiance"; he earned it by the ring on my sister's finger.

The me that doesn't care about my singleness is happy for her.

The me that does care has cried a river already...


  1. Hi there! New to your blog. I completely understand how you feel. If it's any help: My younger sister got married way before I did and even completed her family before I started mine.

    But I won't trade my own unique experience, life or marriage with hers.

    The right time will come with the right man.

    Hope this helps. Chin up! and wonderful post. :-)

  2. I agree with what MOH has said. Be happy for your sister. Through and through. Yours will come.

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