Tuesday 22 February 2011


So at work yesterday, I looked totally smashing in my coffee coloured stylishly cut suit…that is, until the zip on my skirt gave way!
I think what was most annoying is the fact that I’m not certain how long I walked about the office with my pink panties sticking out my behind. I got to know about it when my boss sent me a BB about the state of things.
Thank God my boss is a woman! But what about the chocolate coloured man with the British accent that came around for a meeting with his team? Did I go about hooking up the projector for the meeting with my fly down? And to think I am so flat behind!
Oh God!
 Hopefully I’d never get to see him again so that should save me some embarrassment.
And if I do, well, I’m probably insignificant to him; probably not his type anyway…
Still he was gorgeous! His height, his rippling biceps showing through his suit, his complexion, his curly hair, his eyes behind his glasses…my goodness!
I started dreaming…
 I looked hard at his fingers and couldn’t find any ring. Not that married men are in the habit of wearing rings these days.
I tried subtly hard to get him to look at me but if he did then his eyes have a rare talent of looking without even looking.
I think I’m running crazy with this man hunt thing...
Aren’t I good enough for any man?
Didn’t Kemi Adewuyi hook an American last year? And most would think of me as more beautiful than she! (Kemi has this nose that is so large any ant on it would think it was Mount Everest)
Oh, get over the envy gurl!
But seriously, what do men want?
I’m beautiful, averagely intelligent, can discuss football, God fearing, great sense of humour, can pound yam…
Why can’t they see me?!
PS: Really what do guys want?!!!!


  1. Creative mind and gifted fingers. Loving the expression "I tried subtly hard..... look... if he did..... eyes have a rare talent.... looking without looking".

    You actually ironically expressed his non noticing attitude in a very creative way.

    Keep it up!

  2. Hahahahahaha now this is funny and i can relate with this!!!

    Ironically there are a lot of women in this zone, God help us all. Looking forward to your next one.

  3. Hi Girl ,

    This is great, hilarious and real . Good work !

  4. I dont think its all about what men wants but about what God wants for you...perhaps celibacy is a card on His mind for you!

    Great artistry...try and make dis a newspaper column in Nigeria...can give some links though!

  5. Tarry a while babes

    He that would come,would come

  6. If this is your picture, you are truly a beautiful woman. As for the men, trust me when I tell you that I found out years ago that when you stop looking for one, he will find you.
    Good Luck.
    Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. It's always nice to make new friends.

  7. Thank you so much for dropping by:

    @ Uche: I mega appreciate your compliments! I will keep it up with more compliments from you.lol please drop by again.

    @ Anon: I couldn’t agree more! I’m many women all at once!

    @ Deola: Thanks Dee! Thank’s for your email as well; not started out the photography thing yet but made friends with a photographer! Lol

    @ Atayi: No way! I no gree oh! No be me get the gift of celibacy! I reject it! Lol. Thanks for stopping by, really appreciate it. U think I can get a go at the papers?

    @ Nutty J: Hi Nutty J! For how long will I tarry na? It's not like I am asking for the rapture yet. I mean, what’s wrong with the man? How long does it take a man to realize there’s a gap in his rib cage?!

    @ Exseno: Thank you for stopping by! Really glad you came. Question is how do I will my mind to stop searching? I tell my body no and my mind jumps right out and says yes! But I’m sure you’re right.
    And no, it’s not a pic of me. Though I think I am equally beautiful; unfortunatley those men are deep into their sunshades! lol

  8. I totally agree with Atayi. ;)
