Monday 28 February 2011


The chocolate coloured man with the British accent turns out to be Mr. Barry Otedola and he is currently lodged at the Hilton. He’d be in Abuja for a month after which he would return to the UK. He is 39 and single but has a daughter whom he adores. She is 5 years old and her mother is Ghananian. He plays the piano and loves golf.
So how did I gain all this info? Did we have dinner? (No, I was with that Pastor on Saturday remember?) Did he get my BB pin? Did we spend a nice Sunday together?
No, no, no!
He did all that with Chioma, my colleague at work.
From what she told us (me and others), she had a very agreeable weekend with him.
This morning, he even called her while we were having breakfast at the canteen and she put the conversation on loud speaker as she thought I’d be mega interested in listening to his smooth barritone flirt with her over the phone. I guess I would have been interested if I was in a relationship of my own but right about now, it sounds like the devil brushing his teeth.
 It’s just not fair!
Every guy that remotely sniffs Chioma likes her! Meanwhile I’m like a gnat beside her huge Kim Kadashian hips!
I mean, I went round fixing the projector for his meeting with my boss last week and he didn’t as much as blink my way! But somehow he has had dinner with her! And she’s not lying cos her BB is filled with pics of them at some fancy restaurant in town.
God, this is not fair!
But Chioma is by far prettier than you are Adie; even a blind man would sense that.  She’s confident, outgoing, great style... You on the other hand…
No! I am beautiful too!
Chioma is in it only for the money! She’s just a hoochie!
And how do you know that? It is not for you to go about judging people just cos they have what you want…
Oh, just leave me alone silly conscience!
All I know is I really HATE Chioma right now and I think Mr. Barry Otedola is a huge player and most def not my type!
I would love to tell her what I think about her; instead I sit at the table listening to the conversation on loud speaker and laughing with Chioma like she is my best friend.